Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Death by Suburb

"Death by Suburb"

I ran across this interesting title and thought it may be of interest to some P3ers.
And I thought it may be a good conversational catalyst for the blog.

The Link: http://www.deathbysuburb.net/



Joshua said...

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the blog seems to be getting overlooked. Anyway, that was a very interesting link. I posted on blog awhile back about falling prey to the urban hipster mentality, a cousin of the suburban mentality. Location doesn't necessarily make your perspective more Christ-like. Unless you are Stuart.

Eric Spreng said...

Josh, I searched your blog for the article you referenced on 'urban hipster mentality' but could not find it. Any chance you could post the link?

Joshua said...

Here is the link Eric. http://www.eikonproject.org/2007/11/jesus-stole-my-spare-tire.html

I guess I didn't use the cool phrase urban hipster mentality in the post, but I talked about it a bit.