Tuesday, May 6, 2008

An Absolutely Essential Read

Please drop everything and read this immediately.

1 comment:

Paul David McComas said...


Thanks for the link. I had read this article yesterday and am still digesting it. There are many flaws with what all camps are doing in the pop culture wars, but the one that is the strangest to me is the fact that Christian culture seems content to produce simply Christian copies of what secular culture is doing. (Hypocrisy abounds in me...see my post on a Christian Myspace below) but if our creative energies are to be born out of an expressive love to our Creator and his world then our art, music, poetry, etc should be free to take many different directions from the profit-driven mainstream. Our expressions should look dramatically different than everything else out there. At least this way if someone didn't like the message, they at least couldn't reject it just for being so hypocritical that we reject secular culture but copy it so closely. I would rather be accused of distinct but bad art far more than being an obvious cheap imitation wannabe. I don't listen to Christian radio because it is bad music, predictable rhyme schemes, predictable and unimaginative lyrics, mandatory key change on the bridge, whiney vocals, etc. It is just bad, and I reject the idea that I should have some loyalty to it because they are singing about Jesus. I love Jesus and am offended that so many have produced such crap as a way to "honor" Him. He deserves better. I do not judge those who take meaning from it or produce it sincerely, but I want no part of it and am very selective about what I consider good Christian music. Sorry a little off topic, but these are my thoughts.