Monday, May 12, 2008

If you thought baptism was strange, check this out.

WOW, if you ever thought that baptism was a strange way to initiate new members into a church community, consider the alternative here

This link takes you to the application and contract for people wanting to join the "church" of scientology. Bizarre. Can any group be taken seriously that has a movie star as its spokesperson? (P3 should consider using this type of contract for future members, though.) They want people to sign that they have never been committed of a felony and have never been admitted to a facility for any mental health or psychiatric services. Keep the criminals and crazys out! If I know anything about religion, it is that it was intended only for rich healthy people. Wasn't there another group that made sure to dispose of the criminals and crazys. Oh, yeah, the third reich. Take note in the contract what they state are the reasons for joining their "church". Curious.

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