Monday, March 10, 2008

New ministry idea... (<--are the elipses always necessary?)

So last night after our meeting I went home and caught the tail end of a documtary about how we do our best thinking while we are dreaming. It talked about how many of they greatest discoveries are done while our brains are busy processing while we are sleeing. I then proceeded to have the worst night's sleep ever as both my wife and daughter have the flu and were up many, many, many times during the night. These events together created the perfect storm of neural activity, and somewhere in the night, I was struck with the best new ministry idea since the invention of indulgences.

Problem statement:

Many church going individuals get only a taste of what it is like to live in community as they are around other believers for such a short time in a non-interactive setting. This leaves many feeling that there has to be more to living the Christian life, but they don't know how to go about creating community in such a top-down power/money heirarchy such as the church is today.


Have interested persons and couples fill out questionairres pertaining to their spiritual backgrounds, interests, recent books they have read,etc. as well as demographic information such as family, job, educational background, etc. Then use this information to create community mashup groups made up of persons who are highly likely to find eachother interesting. This can be done by committee or by a complex computer algorithm, prayer, whatever. Then plan sort of "blind date"-no pressure- events to get everyone together to see if their is a "community connection". If so , then guidance on taking their community group to new levels of spiritual growth and accountability could be provided. It is meets Sunday school. The excitement for the persons and couples is the not knowing who they will be paired with. Also it creates an exclusivity factor as you fill out your information and then wait for the call. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I think we have found a match for you!!" It takes the excitement around dating (I was told there is some) and puts it in the context of friendship/community building with the church playing matchmaker. The church then loosly guides these groups through email updates, outing suggestions (group rates on tickets, etc), providing child care for groups to go out, hosting evenings in with theme nights (book reviews, concerts, etc.) The church could really claim to be building community from within without messing things up by marketing a church service. Instead the ministry would be facilitating relationships among "applicants", making friendship matches and then letting the iron-sharpening begin with a little guidance. You could put a time limit so people could go back into the system if the group wasn't quite clicking without the pressure of having to confront or reject anyone.


OK, I am expecting some good comments and feedback on this idea. Tym, this could be a website idea where people pay to post their bio and people pay to search to find friendships, etc. I believe that the bulk of people who are on the web looking to meet new people are doing so from the excitement that new friendships bring. Why can't this be done as couples??? The whole "romantic" spin that is put on it is one way to go, but there could really be a need for a sort of couples where people are just looking for other couples to connect with and develop community. It is the meeting people that is that hardest part. This could be the niche market we find. IDEAS, PLEASE!!!

1 comment:

JDillon said...

man i like the idea. early in our marriage we really struggled to find other couples we connected with. we had people we liked and all but not that we felt like we really connected this would be great. it seems a bit strange on paper but i think it could work, and serve as a great community tool.
(other people with ideas? com on guys...