Thursday, March 6, 2008


First off who's Sellout and watch the vocab. I need to be able to read this thing and form some kind of imagery without keeping an extra window opened for Sorry, couldn't help that. In fact I may just become a belligerent bastard on this thing... yeah I kinda like the sudo-anonymity of it all. I mean, of course we all know who each other are, (x*%#@! Sellout?) but at least I'm assured it would take you a half an hour or so to read my insensitive post about you and get in your car to come beat me to a pulp... right? Yeah this is good.
Now my really bloggy thought for today.
Jesus reminds me of a Stiga *** ping pong ball:
Hard to keep on the table-lily white at first, (till u start rollin' it/him around the floor)-(nearly) seamless-certainly the brunt of abuse if the game goes arie(?)-clean shaven (contrary to sunday school room paintings)-destined to be left in the bowl on the piano when a new one comes along.


Stuart Hepler said...

good to see everyone is getting along. reminds me of the church. maybe we should split. one congregation that believes in blogs and one that does not. p1.5 and p1.5.

Joshua said...