Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Next Great War...

Having been inspired by Joe's zealous appreciation of the Macintosh Computer format at last Sunday's "blind leading the blind computer re-formatting session", (Joe being the only sighted attendee) I want to submit the following:

PC. Funny isn't that. Those two little letters offer a defining irony.
How can you really compare the Macintosh Operating System with the social moray of political correctness? Allow me to analogize.

Pontiac Grand Am vs. Honda Civic

While critics agree that the Honda is clearly superior in virtually all aspects of it's existence the Pontiac out sells the Civic... why? 

Superiority will always be a minority stake.


Eric Spreng said...

the pontiac outsells the civic? or the pontiac outsells the civic IN THE STATES? just curious.

Paul David McComas said...


Great post and thoughts. Superior marketing beats out superior product any day of the week. I caught an interview on The Daily Show last night with an author who examined the exporting of American style politics to other countries. We have perfected democracy so well that other countries want to use our pundits and consultants to run their campaigns. Bizarre, non?