Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Truth About Barack Obama

My mom's husband forwards me all the rumors generated by the conservative machine regarding Barack Obama.

Here's an example:

Here is Slate's always clever response:

(when using blogspot in safari, I can't post a link. Any advice?)


Eric Spreng said...

why mess around with safari when there is firefox?

Eric Spreng said...

and i happened to read that article earlier today-- very funny. my favorites are:

'Barack Obama's new airplane includes a conference room, a kitchen, and a MEGACHURCH.

Barack Obama's skin is the color of AMERICAN SOIL.

He travels mostly by FORKLIFT.'

JDillon said...

Chuck norris for VP!

Eric Spreng said...

jordan, i remember sending you (and probably stu) a youtube clip of chuck norris and mike huckabee months and months ago. how you gonna post that link? the nerve...

JDillon said...

i know i remember it, that's part of the reason i posted it!

Eric Spreng said...

oh, i get it.

TYM said...

I am truly puzzled by the ra-ra-Firefox contingent. It feels to me to be a Super Nintendo in the midst of Playstation 5... far less intuitive and rather low-tech looking. What am I missing here?

JDillon said...

Tym, perhaps your are missing the 'usability factor.'
It actually may be more about the fact that safari will not work and firefox will. in this case it may be more about function than aesthetic.

Joshua said...

Firefox is more like Atari. Why is it like that? Design versus usability. Is usability a word? The goal would be to have both. I liken it to one of those big puffy couches. Man they are pretty comfortable and cooshy, but they look awful in your living room.

TYM said...

The ? for me has to be, why would I switch?
Safari works flawlessly for me and I much prefer the interface. I liken Firefox to Craigslist. Highly sucessful and quite functional but not what I want to stare at every moment on the web IF I have a better option...
and fortunately I do.
By the way, what is it that you IT-challenged folks can't do with the jungle browser?
Oh by the by... if you're a PC user, (aka "user") then you really have no reason to be in the talk.

Italyan-American Proverb: "People use PC's because they have to... people use Mac's because they want to."
Are you a "want-to" or a "have-to"?

JDillon said...

I dont have a choice, I use what i have to. And I try to be ok with that.

Joshua said...

Don't we always have a choice? It may be that one option is the path of least resistance as compared to the other.

I love how this conversation is under the Truth about Barack Obama, and has nothing, or maybe everything, to do with the original post. I also love the layers of meaning we have in our little comments back and forth to each other. It isn't really about safari or firefox, its about how each of us is choosing to live. There is an acceptance of each other on an overall level, but yet an atmosphere of pushing one another a little bit, or sometimes alot. It seems as if we don't quite trust each other enough to come right out and say it, but we are making some progress. We are getting somewhere boys. If we can all hang on a little bit longer, we are about to crack through to unchartered territory, where few friendships dare to go. We are almost to this magical place where trust and honesty live together in harmony and a willingness to push each other and be pushed allows greatness to occur, individual greatness and greatness as a whole.

JDillon said...

The path of least resistance, for some, is the path of least required resources to 'choose' said option. therefore sometimes, in this respect there is little choice. i suppose i could choose to not have a computer at all rather than the (lesser) Dell, but that choice is not really one that i am willing to consider at this poitn and seems foolish, in my thinking.