Monday, June 30, 2008

Rogue Ping Pong - Episode One

At one point last night, there were:

Three Italians, one Argentenian, four Asians, three Latinos, us, and the smattering of caucasians that would curiously walk by, enjoying our impromptu Ping Pong Patio at Starbucks at Jefferson Pointe. Who knew there were Italians and Argentenians living in Fort Wayne?

It was a moment that, I took an opportunity to briefly remove myself from and observe, soaking it all in. I enjoyed all the various responses to what we were doing from thoroughly curious and engaging, to rude rebuffs at our perceived attempt to push something on to someone who couldn't be bothered at the moment as they were on their way to purchase something that was way more important than engaging in conversation with another human.

I loved it. I want to do it again. I am interested in the thoughts of others as we work to become a truly subersive ping pong society, helping ourselves and others to overcome the obstacles that prevent engaging in community.

Thanks for everything that everyone did to make last night come together.

Savoir Vivre.

1 comment:

JDillon said...

Man , sounds pretty sweet!
sorry i missed it, sound slike ti was a hit so maybe we will be doing it a bit more often?