Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So the other day i was driving casually down south anthony and i saw a church with a big banner over the marquee that said
"Under New Management."

(I'll let the laughter and applications and ironies run amok in your own minds.)


Paul David McComas said...


How do churches come under new management? A hostile takeover, a stock buyout, merger or acquisition, firing of the CEO??? At least this church isn't even trying to hide the fact that they are a business. Points for self awareness, even if it was meant to be tongue in cheek.

JDillon said...

not sure, the first question i had was if God was the former manager, would that make satan the new manager?

JDillon said...

i dont think it was quite self awareness, it looked more like there was a sign in the basement or down the street at the gas station and the new management wanted the community to know that the old regime was ousted, in some way or another. it was most likely not intentional or self-aware...