Friday, October 24, 2008
ipod on its way out?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Amazing Quote
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Death by Suburb
I ran across this interesting title and thought it may be of interest to some P3ers.
And I thought it may be a good conversational catalyst for the blog.
The Link:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
There was some speculation and assumption, but nothing definitive.
Peace love and pong.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Science behind the Pong

Addison (my little bro) sent me a link to this cool article on olympic pingpong. Here's and excerpt:
Robot Trainers
Forrest Gump, eat your heart out. While Gump famously practiced against himself, Olympic bound players today have a more imposing, less predictable, training partner: robots. The Paddle Palace 980-e can fire balls to 11 different locations at up to 111 mph at a frequency as high as 95 balls per minute. How’s that for practice makes perfect? The two wheel design allows spin and speed to be controlled separately. Players can design sequences of up to 50 shots and save the patterns for future sessions or let the machine fire at random. The robot can be yours for the bargain price of $1,399. But, hey, that includes free shipping, 10 free balls and a 30 day money back guarantee.
Build a Better Ball
Clocked close to 70 mph, these little celluloid suckers can move. The seemingly simple ping pong ball is subject to quite a bit of poking and prodding before it’s sanctioned for tournament usage (more than 60 approved currently). The basic specs are that balls should be 40 mm in diameter and weigh 2.7 grams. The diameter was increased earlier this decade from 38 mm to 40 mm to slow the game down for audiences (complaints of neck spasms we assume). Only white and orange balls are allowed and construction must be completed with a single seam.
Prior to testing, balls are kept in a room at 23 degrees Celsius and 50 percent relative humidity for at least three days. Bounce is tested by mechanically releasing a ball from 305 mm onto a steel plate and measuring the rebound using a digital camera (240 mm – 260 mm acceptable, figure the COR out yourself). Balls are rolled down a 100 mm long incline at 14 degrees to quantify the ‘veer’. The hardness of the ball is measured using a Zwick tester that pushes a 20 mm pin into the ball. Why so meticulous? Well, as any college kid with a ping pong table and pile of red Solo cups can tell you: not all balls are created equal.
They also talk about "Speed Glue."
Full article - link it:
We haven't played in so long I think I've lost my groove...
Friday, August 8, 2008
Here's the link:
put the mouse right on the word MP3 and download it for free.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
New P3-er
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Pics from July 11th
Thursday, July 24, 2008
P3 - Post July 11
Perhaps the issue is that the identity was never tremendously clear?
hard to say.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Bono and Poverty
This seems relevant (when is it not?) but thought you all might find it interesting and challenging. I wonder, when seeing these kind of things, and my role (very little at this point) in ONE whether or not we are focused on the right things and if we need a serious realignment.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Must the show go on?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I also love the layers of meaning we have in our little comments back and forth to each other. It isn't really about safari or firefox, its about how each of us is choosing to live. There is an acceptance of each other on an overall level, but yet an atmosphere of pushing one another a little bit, or sometimes alot. It seems as if we don't quite trust each other enough to come right out and say it, but we are making some progress. We are getting somewhere boys. If we can all hang on a little bit longer, we are about to crack through to unchartered territory, where few friendships dare to go. We are almost to this magical place where trust and honesty live together in harmony and a willingness to push each other and be pushed allows greatness to occur, individual greatness and greatness as a whole.
In the end, we want an excellent July 11th that was done excellently and communicates excellence, because that is the way things should be done if we are going to do them. Excellence has the level that is seen on stage and in the plaza on that Friday night, and in taking care of the logistics beforehand, but it also has a level that is personal, that involves our friendships and our character, our moments of honesty with each other and ourselves as we engage in the process of pulling off the event. Neither of these levels should be ignored. Each level requires our best efforts. Some of us are stronger at one level and weaker at the other, and the goal should be to help one another become strong at both, within the context of our individual talents and strengths.
This I beleive, is Savoir Vivre.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Rogue Ping Pong - Episode One
Three Italians, one Argentenian, four Asians, three Latinos, us, and the smattering of caucasians that would curiously walk by, enjoying our impromptu Ping Pong Patio at Starbucks at Jefferson Pointe. Who knew there were Italians and Argentenians living in Fort Wayne?
It was a moment that, I took an opportunity to briefly remove myself from and observe, soaking it all in. I enjoyed all the various responses to what we were doing from thoroughly curious and engaging, to rude rebuffs at our perceived attempt to push something on to someone who couldn't be bothered at the moment as they were on their way to purchase something that was way more important than engaging in conversation with another human.
I loved it. I want to do it again. I am interested in the thoughts of others as we work to become a truly subersive ping pong society, helping ourselves and others to overcome the obstacles that prevent engaging in community.
Thanks for everything that everyone did to make last night come together.
Savoir Vivre.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Next Great War...
An ironic smack in the collective P3 face
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Truth About Barack Obama
Here's an example:
Here is Slate's always clever response:
(when using blogspot in safari, I can't post a link. Any advice?)
Follow Up
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Global poetry
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A Dissenting Opinion on the Question of 'Management'
Here's the core of my argument:
A more evangelically acceptable word for management is 'stewardship.' If the congregation or leadership of the congregation in question (or whoever does the signs) had chosen to use more Christian-sounding words, I don't think you would be laughing as hard. If this is true, the initial criticism reflects a cultural bias -- that of one living the Redstate Evangelical Experience. In effect, you are simply laughing because the congregation in question was unable to put into appropriate words a process that takes place everywhere in said culture. You seem not to be criticizing the process, but the linguistic dressing of it.
Jordan, when you say essentially, 'if not God, then Satan', I think you may be missing it.
Is it really God's role to 'manage' a church?
A synonym of 'steward' according to my Mac is 'custodian.' Would you expect the role of a church custodian to be filled by God or by Satan? Of course not. If no one vacuums the floors in 'God's house'-- I would argue-- God's probably not going to pick up the slack. I would thus argue that 'custodian' is a role that should be ascribed to a natural being, not a supernatural one.
I realize I'm making a bit of a jump here. I've equated 'steward' with 'custodian' (rightly, I think), but then taken an alternate meaning of 'custodian' to illustrate my point. I hope you'll see past this logical transgression to the point, which I still think is valid.
I agree that the church on Anthony has chosen wording that may be seen as vulgar or crude, but I am tempted to take this 'social misstep' (according to the interpretation I'm here espousing) as a reflection of the opposite of presumption and pretension and consequently, to forgive said socially awkward phrasing.
Perhaps it is a bit pedantic for me to parse words like this. If so, I beg your pardon.
In reading over what I've just read, I feel I should mention a podcast I've been listening to for months now. I feel I owe something of my argument to the podcast, at least in terms of style. But that's just the impression I was left with. The podcast is from the Princeton Review, it's called 'LSAT Logic in Everyday Life.' It's short, sweet, and usually pretty stimulating.
I hope I am always open to engagement. I'd love to hear where I am missing it, if anyone is gracious enough to point it out.
All the best from Paris, Gents.
Monday, June 9, 2008
How Stuff Works
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
"Under New Management."
(I'll let the laughter and applications and ironies run amok in your own minds.)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
If you thought baptism was strange, check this out.
This link takes you to the application and contract for people wanting to join the "church" of scientology. Bizarre. Can any group be taken seriously that has a movie star as its spokesperson? (P3 should consider using this type of contract for future members, though.) They want people to sign that they have never been committed of a felony and have never been admitted to a facility for any mental health or psychiatric services. Keep the criminals and crazys out! If I know anything about religion, it is that it was intended only for rich healthy people. Wasn't there another group that made sure to dispose of the criminals and crazys. Oh, yeah, the third reich. Take note in the contract what they state are the reasons for joining their "church". Curious.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
a time for peace, a time for war, a time for mac rehab
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
If you have the podcast check it out, if you don't get it, here's the link:
I'd be interested to hear other thoughts on it.
Friday, April 25, 2008
In My Mynd...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
What if this was our job?
Elizabeth and I haven't "formally" gone to church for almost two years. While this is our choice, our souls still long for that connection, to be a part of a community that is pushing each other forward, challenging each other to look at Jesus's invitation to be truly human, while creatively advancing the Kingdom of God. There have been various occasions in our time together when I step back and look at the big picture of what is happening with us, and I get very excited, because it just feels right. It's not perfect, we aren't always sure what we are doing, but there is a similar heart, and we stumble along together, and I love it.
That being said, I feel like, if we intentionally made choices to try to make this our job, an income making venture, I think we would kill what we have going. I mean, isn't that one of the biggest reasons why we are frustrated by church - decisions being made that are motivated by making money to pay the staff, to take care of the building, or build a new one?
If we do have an event, or an opportunity to make money, then of course we should be wise stewards of that opportunity. Not as income for us, but as resources to reinvest into what we are doing, or whatever our next project is.
I really appreciate you guys, and I'm excited about what the future holds. Once the motivation becomes about making money as income, then it changes everything. I lived that nightmare at Sonrise, and again in Nashville with Mosaic. So, once again, I apologize taking us down that path for a few minutes.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"1. to arouse the curiosity or interest of by unusual, new, or otherwise fascinating or compelling qualities; appeal strongly to; captivate:"
We could then apply this to our own individual lives as Jesus followers - are you living an intriguing life?
Completely unrelated - tomorrow night at the library at 6:00 there is an event called "Beyond the Square" Anyone interested?
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Pret concept
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Ping Pong in the Sky?...
check it:
Monday, April 7, 2008
Have the Editors at NPR been reading our mail?
A Tipping Point
like i said, that is such a major one that it is probably in there, but i was thinking about it.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Health and Wealth
it especially hit me because two of our nieces really have had to grow up fast, their mom has struggled for years and they have been bounced around between family and around the country. the older one really stresses about it all and already has ulcers at 11! it's tragic.
some very interesting stuff though. the series is three more weeks on thursday nights at 10 and here is a link to it, there is a trailer there and other info. check it out.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
the changing face of the music industry
Friday, March 21, 2008
Funny link of the day
Here is a link that was passed along to me recently. It is hilarious but can sting a little if you find something here that matches yourself a little too closely. I have felt the pain of being a demographic, and it stings, oh, it stings.
Laugh at your own risk.
The Allusion of Race
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Mel's Passion
David Edelstein review as heard on Fresh Air
From Kenneth Turan's review as heard on Morning Edition:
'What is profoundly disheartening is that men and women of good will will see a different film than I have. They will be as oblivious to what I see as its dangers and drawbacks, as they say that I am to its strengths. Where I see sadistic violence, they see transcendence. Where I see blame, they see truth.'
'...what's immediately evident about the Passion is its complete sincerity. This is Gibson's personal vision, a look inside his heart and soul-- an act of faith-- which makes it even sadder that the Passion of the Christ offers only glimpses into Jesus's whole life and teachings. It creates a one-dimensional view of him as only someone who was willing to absorb unspeakable punishment for our sins.'
From Bob Mondello's review as heard on All Things Considered:
'The director so wants to bring cinematic realism to Christ's suffering that he has filmed what is quite possibly the bloodiest story ever told. I won't be alone in noting a specifically spiritual distance between "bloodiest story" and "greatest story." Screen sadism this relentless is almost inevitably numbing...'
(There's an interesting comparison in this review to A Clockwork Orange.)
'...a sincere, heartfelt attempt to spin a story long regarded as one of sacrifice, compassion, and forgiveness into a story that is largely about enduring cruelty. That, to my mind, is a reduction. Hate the spin, love the spinner.'
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Call me or Paul if you need directions.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Did anybody catch Bill Clinton at the Grand Wayne tonight?
With tongue planted firmly in cheek, I dived headfirst into the blogosphere this evening with up-to-the-minute coverage.
It was zap.
Click on me.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Being Human
Hope everyone is well. Check this out.
It says it all. I mean it. All. Everything. Put an exclamation mark after it and then say no more.
Jordan, I can't put Affluenza down. I love it. It's messing me up forever.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Community = $
anti-abortion horton
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Do Not Read This Post-until you read the new idea post below
OK, last night was an equally bad night's sleep around the McComas household. I was in and out of dreaming and sleeping so much that the characters in my dreams were getting annoyed. But again I was struck with several additional ideas during the night that I wanted to get into words before they were lost forever. These ramblings are not designed to be anything profound, and I don't really think I have stumbled onto anything close to alchemy, but this is just an idea for discussion like Tym's design website, Josh's beard growing, and Stuart's hemp-powered car.
Church Netwoking Idea update #1-
The idea has already morphed into a multi million dollar enterprise whereby we "christianize" the whole myspace/facebook phenomenon for easy access for churches. We would design (read that steal) software that would be a starting point and then for free allow churches to use it to generate an online directory of their members. Churches already have directories, so this won't be a huge leap, but many of the older generation are scared of new technology so it would need to be very user friendly, etc. This database would include email and phone texting capabilities and would be searchable and churches could use it for prayer chains, mass emails, cancellations, activity reminders, etc. Each church would pay a flat fee for the software and data entry piece. Once we have the directory done, this is where things could get fun.
Certain churchgoers might be interested in having their own page within the database/site where they can edit their information, post photos of whatever, display their interests, post music/verses, etc. and this might be a fee for service thing. They could choose if it was available to just their church, all churches in the city, state, or all, or to the web in general. Family safe!
Then we could implement the idea below where interested couples/families/singles could fill out specific demographic and other information and allow their information to be crunched with certain other families/couples/singles returning as matches for potential friendships within just their church or within a searchable geographic area. Essentially allowing for community building to happen across denomination lines as people are paired with people with whom they are likely to forge friendships through common interests, etc. This could be a fee for service piece as well or we could just let the thing blow up and then sell ad space to specific church related companies. "Try Johnson communion wafers for that sweet but dry "Jesus" taste".
Again, I do not think this is genious, and this has already probably been done by someone else, so it is just in keeping with our crazy ideas that we discuss that will not go anywhere thing that we do. But maybe if this is a new idea, or we think we can sell it better than anyone else (remember Bill Gates did not develop the QDOS program he sold to IBM, he just bought it from someone else and pitched it better). Something to think about. There are hundreds of churches in Fort Wayne who are looking to stay "edgier" and try to reach out in new ways. We could pitch it as a way for church members to stay in touch during the week by allowing for message boards and blogs within the site to discuss the sermon that week, etc. This would be a way to meet that need and yes maybe unfortunatly make some money possibly in the process. We could have church volunteers help with the data entry, etc. we would just need to design the software/get a website domain for the whole thing/ and start pitching the idea to get our first customer. Some initial domain name suggestions would be or (see what I did there?) or OK, I am definitely off the deep end with this idea, someone please shoot it down and throw me a lifepreserver!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
New ministry idea... (<--are the elipses always necessary?)
Problem statement:
Many church going individuals get only a taste of what it is like to live in community as they are around other believers for such a short time in a non-interactive setting. This leaves many feeling that there has to be more to living the Christian life, but they don't know how to go about creating community in such a top-down power/money heirarchy such as the church is today.
Have interested persons and couples fill out questionairres pertaining to their spiritual backgrounds, interests, recent books they have read,etc. as well as demographic information such as family, job, educational background, etc. Then use this information to create community mashup groups made up of persons who are highly likely to find eachother interesting. This can be done by committee or by a complex computer algorithm, prayer, whatever. Then plan sort of "blind date"-no pressure- events to get everyone together to see if their is a "community connection". If so , then guidance on taking their community group to new levels of spiritual growth and accountability could be provided. It is meets Sunday school. The excitement for the persons and couples is the not knowing who they will be paired with. Also it creates an exclusivity factor as you fill out your information and then wait for the call. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I think we have found a match for you!!" It takes the excitement around dating (I was told there is some) and puts it in the context of friendship/community building with the church playing matchmaker. The church then loosly guides these groups through email updates, outing suggestions (group rates on tickets, etc), providing child care for groups to go out, hosting evenings in with theme nights (book reviews, concerts, etc.) The church could really claim to be building community from within without messing things up by marketing a church service. Instead the ministry would be facilitating relationships among "applicants", making friendship matches and then letting the iron-sharpening begin with a little guidance. You could put a time limit so people could go back into the system if the group wasn't quite clicking without the pressure of having to confront or reject anyone.
OK, I am expecting some good comments and feedback on this idea. Tym, this could be a website idea where people pay to post their bio and people pay to search to find friendships, etc. I believe that the bulk of people who are on the web looking to meet new people are doing so from the excitement that new friendships bring. Why can't this be done as couples??? The whole "romantic" spin that is put on it is one way to go, but there could really be a need for a sort of couples where people are just looking for other couples to connect with and develop community. It is the meeting people that is that hardest part. This could be the niche market we find. IDEAS, PLEASE!!!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Nashville Update...
I actually saw a booth for a Christian travel agent who pasted the verse about going into all the world under their logo-- with a sub-heading that read, 'it's not ONLY for missionaries!'
George W. is scheduled to speak Tuesday but there's a big fat asterisk behind his name which indicates that he may have better things to do. We'll see... If not him, at least there's Dr. Dobson (who is also speaking Tuesday-- no asterisk.) As I always say, Dr. D. is great when he actually focuses on the FAMILY and not, say, politics.
On the upside, we've started a dialogue with a broadcasting company who wants to translate our show into Russian and broadcast it throughout Asia. So that's cool, potentially...
Be well, mates. Speak soon. xx
Friday, March 7, 2008
A Snapshot
Peace my brothas!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
green, green, green
First Post to Retraction in Record Time
Now my really bloggy thought for today.
Jesus reminds me of a Stiga *** ping pong ball:
Hard to keep on the table-lily white at first, (till u start rollin' it/him around the floor)-(nearly) seamless-certainly the brunt of abuse if the game goes arie(?)-clean shaven (contrary to sunday school room paintings)-destined to be left in the bowl on the piano when a new one comes along.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
So this is what selling out feels like...
some sundry cultural reference points from the second of march

Tym: Here's the link from the UK group: http://www.artisaninitiatives
Eric: Here's the link I was talking about:
I took the liberty to include a link to a Mosaic podcast that Josh mentioned (and I have since listened to) and also one to the episode of This American Life with the Cambodian pajamas (entitled 'David and Goliath'.) You can stream for free or pay $0.95 for a download.